
Kidney Diseases That Cause Hematuria in Children

In normal case, urine does not contain red blood cells because the filters in the kidney prevent blood from entering the urine. In Kidney Diseases, if the filtering system in kidneys or other parts of the urinary tracts are involved, hematuria will occur. The Kidney Diseases which may cause hematuria in children mainly include:

Inherited Kidney Diseases

Several different inherited Kidney Diseases can cause hematuria mainly include Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD), Alport Syndrome, Inherited Nephritis. Up to now, no therapy cure the genetic Kidney Disease, but a proper treatment can slow down its progression and halts the diseases from developing into Renal Failure.


In Glomerulonephritis, the filters in kidneys are damaged and fail to maintain the red blood cells in in body. Thus, the red blood cells pass through the filtering system and end up in urine. Along with hematuria, the patients also experience proteinuria, swelling, high blood pressure, etc. Glomerulonephritis includes primary and secondary Glomerulonephritis. Primary Glomerulonephritis refers that the disease occurs without clear causes. Common Secondary Glomerulonephritis includes Diabetic Kidney Disease, Amyloidosis Nephritis etc.

The above are the common Kidney Diseases which can cause hematuria in children. Besides Kidney Disease, hematuria also occurs in the following conditions such as intense exercise, urinary tract infection, trauma. However, if these factors are removed, the blood in urine will disappear very soon.



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