
Can Dialysis Patients Drink Alcohol

Dialysis People are able to drink alcohol in moderation if Dr. and renal dietician fell ok. However, before you make any decision, you are suggested to get the permission of your doctor, because the alcohol consumption may develop the many risks.

Moderation means 1 drink per day for women and 2 for men. They take your meds into consideration as some say no alcohol. Alcohol must be counted towards their normal fluid allowance.

Alcohol Bad influence for Dialysis patients

- Drinking Alcohol and Kidney Failure

Drinking alcohol can hurt your kidneys in many ways and can increase the chance of needing dialysis.4, 5, 6 It may damage the kidney cells. It increases your chance of developing HBP, a leading cause of kidney disease. Drinking alcohol can interfere with your medicines and make it harder to control your pressure.

- Drinking Alcohol and Heart Problems

Heart disease can lead to kidney problems. If you do not drink, you should not start drinking just to try to help your heart. You can help your heart by exercising and following a healthy diet. If you do drink, keep it to less than two drinks a day.

- Drinking Alcohol and Your Medicine

Alcohol moves quickly into the brain and can impair thinking. It can increase the chance of a person mixing up or even missing medications. Alcohol also goes to the liver and can affect how the liver handles different medications. This can also affect blood levels of medications.

- Drinking Alcohol and High Blood Pressure

People with HBP should be extra careful about drinking alcohol. It may interfere with their medications and increase their blood pressure. More than two drinks a day can increase your chance of developing HBP.3 HBP is the number two cause of kidney failure.

Drinking a proper amount of alcohol may be allowed. However, over consumption surely will develop the risk of dialysis patients. Thereby, you are suggested to have a talk with your doctor or click here for online doctor help.



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