
Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Kidney Cancer will present the following symptoms.


Hematuria refers to red blood cell loss in urine. It usually does not cause any pain or discomforts. Therefore, many people usually do not take its seriously. They do not go to see a doctor until frequent episodes occur. However, frequent episodes of hematuria prove that the cancer cells have damaged pelvis and renal calyce. So, if you have pink, red or cola colored urine for no clear reasons, you should go for further inspection.

Back pain

Back pain occurs just the ribs and it can last over time. The pain is caused by the stretching of renal capsule and or the enlarged tumor compress the surrounding nerve and muscle tissues. Usually, the patients just experience dull pain. However, occasionally, if the blood clot obstruct ureter, it can cause difficult urination thus causing severer pain.

Lump on back

With tumor continuous enlargement, the patients can touch a large lump on back.
In addition, Kidney Cancer presents some extrarenal symptoms such as fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, weight loss, intermittent fever etc.

The above article has introduced the main symptoms and manifestations of Kidney Cancer. If you have one or several symptoms above, you had better go to see a doctor at once. Early inspection and timely treatment is important in improving the prognosis of the disease.

Conventionally, medications, surgery and chemotherapy are mainly adopted to treat Kidney Cancer. These methods have certain effects in slowing the disease progression and extending life expectancy. However, these treatment methods only can remove the existed cancer tissues or restrain the cancer cells growth temporarily, but can not eliminate the cause of the disease at all.



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