
In Chronic Renal Failure, many patients are suffering from anemia and hemoglobin levels are very low.Here are some tips can help the patients.

Nutrient supplementation

The production of hemoglobin needs a myriad of nutrients. However, in Chronic Renal Failure, the patients may experience poor appetite so they can not get nutrients intake like iron, floic acid, etc. Additionally, as multiple vital organs are involved, it can cause mineral metabolic disorders. These nutrients can aid the production of hemoglobin mainly including iron, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, floic acid and vitamin C. Here are the richest food sources the aforementioned nutrients.

Vitamin C: Guava, brussel sprouts, papayas, blackcurrants, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, lychees

Iron: cereals, green the leafy vegetables, tomato paste.

Vitamin B6: Whole grains, oatmeal, tuna, avocado.

Folic acid: corn, bok choy, asparagus, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry.


Herbs are rich in nutrients. They can enhance immunity and improve the health of red blood cells. These three herbs including withania, Dong Quai and nettle leaf have much benefits in improving hemoglobin levels. Also some activate substances can stimulate the DNA replication of impaired kidney tissues and regenerate renal functional cells. Consequently, the patients will have a remarkable improvement in renal function and the kidneys will produce more EPO than before.

Optimal treatment

The underlying cause of low hemoglobin in Chronic Renal Failure is attributed to impaired kidney function. Therefore, the treatment should focus on restoring the damaged kidneys. Stem Cell Therapy is the optimal treatment in restoring damaged cells, tissues and organs.



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