
Immunotherapy for Kidney Cancer

Conventionally, Kidney Cancer is treated with the combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. These therapies can slow down the disease progression and prolong the patients' life span. However, surgery only can resect the existed large tumor, but is no useless for tumor cells.
 Chemotherapy and radiation not only can damage the tumor cells, but also can impair the healthy cells in body. That is why the patients develop

so many complaints. Also, with the proliferation of tumor cells, it is not enough to kill the cells by chemotherapy or radiation along.

Immunotherapy is a new therapy to treat Kidney Cancer. The concept of immunotherapy is based on the body's natural defense system, which protects us against a variety of diseases. It can treat disease by initiating or suppressing a immune response.

In treating Kidney Cancer, immunotherapy can harness and enhance the patients' immune system and regain its ability in defending against malignant kidney tumors.

Moreover, immunotherapy can stop the production of tumor cells by regulating immune system. Therefore, it can treat Kidney Cancer completely.



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