
Hematuria, Proteinuria, Kidney Disease

Hematuria and proteinuria is commonly detected in Kidney Disease. When there exists these abnormal changes in your urine, you may feel quite panic. Please calm down, not all hematuria or protein in urine is related to Kidney Disease.

Causes of hematuria

◆Urinary disease
Glomerular Kidney Disease
Renal interstitial disease
Urinary tract infection
Urinary calculi
Others such as tumor, Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)
◆Systemic disease
Blood disease
Immune and autoimmune disease
Cardiovascular disease
◆ Diseases in adjacent organs to urinary tract like acute appendicitis and pelvic infection
◆ Chemical medicines such as heparin.
◆ Functional hematuria is caused by substantial exercise. It will recover if the stress factors are removed.

Causes of protein in urine

Protein in urine can be attributed to diseases or physiological activity.
Physiological proteinuria refers to transient proteinuria. It is mainly attributable to the following factors:
★ Some people may have increased protein in urine after intense and substantial exercise. Usually, it does not need treatment. After a period of rest, the protein in urine will disappear.
★ Orthostatic albuminuria occurs in some persons after standing or walking for a long time. Generally, it does not related to diseases.
Pathological proteinuria includes the following four types.
★ Glomerular proteinuria
It results from various kinds of primary and secondary glomerular kidney disease. The disease can cause damage to the renal barrier function, thus leading to protein leakage in urine.
★ Renal tubular proteinuria
If the absorption ability of renal tubule is impaired or the renal tubule secrete more proteins, it will cause protein in urine.
★ Overflow proteinuria
Extra proteins are produced sot hey are filtered out into urine.
★ Abnormal change in renal hemodynamics
Increased renal blood flow can affect the glomerular filtration function, thus resulting in transient protein in urine.



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