
How ADPKD cause Renal Failure?

Autosomomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD) is a common inherited kidney disorder and it affects over 12 million individuals worldwide. Approximately 50% of people with the disease will develop End Stage Renal Failure and require dialysis or kidney transplant in the 4th to 6th decades of life. For so huge harmfulness of ADPKD, all patients and nephrologist worldwide are eager to seek for a cure the disease. To our disappointment, there is no a cure for genetic disease yet. However, the patients with ADPKD can control the disease from progressing into Renal Failure by proper treatment.
How ADPKD cause Renal Failure?
ADPKD is featured with the numerous fluid-filled cysts growing in kidneys. With age, the epithelial cells of cysts will excrete cystic fluid ceaselessly to enlarge the cysts gradually. As a result, the enlarged cysts will oppress the surrounding healthy nephrons and replace them gradually thus triggering Renal Failure. In China, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to control cysts enlargement.



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