
Is Glomerulonephritis curable?

Glomerulonephritis is divided into Acute and Chronic Glomerulonephritis and these two types of diseases have different prognosis.

Acute Glomerulonephritis usually starts acutely in several days. Usually, the patients have prodromic infection like streptococcal infections, mainly respiratory tract infection and skin infection. As the patients do not have substantial kidney damage, a timely and effective intervention treatment can reverse the disease completely. That is to say Acute Glomerulonephritis is curable. However, if the patients delay the treatment, it will transfer to Chronic Glomerulonephritis.

However, Chronic Glomerulonephritis is a hard condition to treat. It starts latently and develops slowly and progressively. As it develops latently, it can not be detected until the patients develop clinical symptoms like edema, blood in urine, foamy urine, etc. In that case, the patients' kidneys have been damaged seriously. Since a part of kidney tissues and cells have become necrotic and fiberized, the chance of curing Chronic Glomerulonephritis is zero. However, the patients can receive treatment to inhibit it from progressing into Renal Failure completely.

Chronic Glomerulonephritis is an immune mediated disorder caused by immune deposits in kidneys.

In right condition, the immune system can defeat the foreign substances known as antigens. However, in some cases, the immune system can not work properly so they fail to tell the difference between the outside substances and healthy tissues and cells in body. As a result, the immune system attacks the healthy tissues and cells in kidneys, thus leading to kidney damage. That is how Chronic Glomerulonephritis occurs.

For the above description, if the overactive immune reaction is not suppressed, it will cause further damage to kidney. Therefore, in the first place, the therapy should aim at suppressing the overactive immune response effectively and immediately to stop further kidney damage.

Then, clearing up the immune deposits plays a crucial role in treating the disease. Since if they remain in kidneys, the immune response may be triggered by inducing factors at any time.



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