
Diet Management to Lower High Creatinine Level

While what you eat can not change your creatinine value, a kidney friendly diet can prevent some of fatal complaints like heart failure, stroke etc.

There is no one particular diet for the patients with high creatinine. Personalized dietary recommendations should be given based on the lab results like blood pressure, blood glucose and levels of minerals etc.


The recommended protein intake has slight changes in patients. For the Diabetic Kidney Disease patients, they are recommended 0.8 g of protein per kg body weight a day. If they are a non-diabetic kidney disease patient, a slightly lower protein is suggested and they should keep protein intake at 0.6 g per kg body weight. For the patients on dialysis, they usually lose a large amount of nutrients during dialysis so the recommended protein intake is 1.2~1.3 g per kg body weight.


One of the most important things the patients with high creatinine can do to preserve renal function is to control their blood pressure. High blood pressure in Chronic Kidney Disease is caused by the building up of sodium and fluid. Therefore, they are suggested to limit sodium intake to 2 grams a day.


Elevated potassium levels can kill people with Chronic Kidney Disease. High levels can affect the nerve impulse, thus causing irregular heart beat and even heart failure which can threaten their life.


Phosphorus level elevates in Chronic Kidney Disease for the kidney is no longer able to regulate phosphorus content in the blood. High phosphorus level is dangerous. It can cause hyperparathyroidism and cause blood to leach calcium from bones, resulting in itching and renal osteopathia. The common foods high in phosphorus include milk, milk products, chocolate, beer and organ meat.

In Chronic Renal Failure, many patients are suffering from anemia and hemoglobin levels are very low.Here are some tips can help the patients.

Nutrient supplementation

The production of hemoglobin needs a myriad of nutrients. However, in Chronic Renal Failure, the patients may experience poor appetite so they can not get nutrients intake like iron, floic acid, etc. Additionally, as multiple vital organs are involved, it can cause mineral metabolic disorders. These nutrients can aid the production of hemoglobin mainly including iron, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, floic acid and vitamin C. Here are the richest food sources the aforementioned nutrients.

Vitamin C: Guava, brussel sprouts, papayas, blackcurrants, cabbage, broccoli, strawberries, lychees

Iron: cereals, green the leafy vegetables, tomato paste.

Vitamin B6: Whole grains, oatmeal, tuna, avocado.

Folic acid: corn, bok choy, asparagus, pineapple, raspberry, strawberry.


Herbs are rich in nutrients. They can enhance immunity and improve the health of red blood cells. These three herbs including withania, Dong Quai and nettle leaf have much benefits in improving hemoglobin levels. Also some activate substances can stimulate the DNA replication of impaired kidney tissues and regenerate renal functional cells. Consequently, the patients will have a remarkable improvement in renal function and the kidneys will produce more EPO than before.

Optimal treatment

The underlying cause of low hemoglobin in Chronic Renal Failure is attributed to impaired kidney function. Therefore, the treatment should focus on restoring the damaged kidneys. Stem Cell Therapy is the optimal treatment in restoring damaged cells, tissues and organs.


Natural Remedy for Low Creatinine Levels in Renal Failure

Renal Failure is gradual loss of the kidneys' ability to perform their functions of eliminating metabolic wastes from blood. When the patients begin to experience high creatinine level, most of kidney function is lost. This article will discuss the natural ways to lower creatinine in Chronic Renal Failure.

Medicated bath

Skin is a strong excretory system in human body. A lot of metabolic wastes like urea, salts etc are excreted by skin from body. Medicated bath can open up the pores, thereby, a mass of wastes material and toxins will be brought out of body through sweating.

Avoid strenuous physical activity

Creatinine is the end product of creatine existing in muscle. Strenuous physical activity can product the metabolism of creatine. Therefore, the patients with Chronic Renal Failure should choose moderate exercises like jogging, walking, bicycling, etc.

Low protein and vegetarian diet

Foods abundant of proteins, like meat, fish and bean and bean products should be limited to reduce the buildup of toxins like creatinine. Also it is reported that high consumption of red meat can put extra strain on kidneys. That is because the it is high in creatine which can be converted to the by-product creatinine.
Although a healthy diet can not cure Chronic Renal Failure, it is actually effective in slowing down its progress.

Control blood pressure

It is very important for the patients with Chronic Renal Failure to have a tight control on their blood pressure because it can cause more damage to the kidneys, resulting in an increase of dangerous blood toxins like creatinine.

Pyelonephritis and Chronic Renal Failure

Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection. It is usually caused by a bacterium called Escherichia coli. The infection usually occurs when bacteria from the urethra and bladder travel up your ureter to kidneys. If left uncontrolled, the infection will damage the kidneys in the following ways:

1. It can cause the inflammation in kidneys. If left untreated, the inflammatory response will attract more and more inflammatory factors to cause more severe damage to kidneys.

2. Pyelonephritis may cause retention of urine in bladder. The pressure in kidneys will increase significantly, thus causing compression to kidney tissues. If the kidney tissues and cells can not get insufficient blood, oxygen and nutrients, they will loss function gradually and finally complete Renal Failure.
Early inspection and treatment is particularly important to stop Plylonephritis from developing into Renal Failure. The following symptoms imply that you may be affected with the infection.

1. A fever
2. Shivering
3. Lower back pain
4. Fatigue
5. Vomiting
6. Increased urination

How to stop Pyelonephritis from progressing into Renal Failure?

Once the infection occurs, a proper treatment is quite necessary.
1. The patients are recommended to drink more water to produce more urine. In this way, a part of bacteria will be washed out of body by urine.
2. Usually the patients are prescribed antibiotics to control the infection. By this way, it can prevent the spreading of the infection effectively.


Kidney Cancer Symptoms

Kidney Cancer will present the following symptoms.


Hematuria refers to red blood cell loss in urine. It usually does not cause any pain or discomforts. Therefore, many people usually do not take its seriously. They do not go to see a doctor until frequent episodes occur. However, frequent episodes of hematuria prove that the cancer cells have damaged pelvis and renal calyce. So, if you have pink, red or cola colored urine for no clear reasons, you should go for further inspection.

Back pain

Back pain occurs just the ribs and it can last over time. The pain is caused by the stretching of renal capsule and or the enlarged tumor compress the surrounding nerve and muscle tissues. Usually, the patients just experience dull pain. However, occasionally, if the blood clot obstruct ureter, it can cause difficult urination thus causing severer pain.

Lump on back

With tumor continuous enlargement, the patients can touch a large lump on back.
In addition, Kidney Cancer presents some extrarenal symptoms such as fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, weight loss, intermittent fever etc.

The above article has introduced the main symptoms and manifestations of Kidney Cancer. If you have one or several symptoms above, you had better go to see a doctor at once. Early inspection and timely treatment is important in improving the prognosis of the disease.

Conventionally, medications, surgery and chemotherapy are mainly adopted to treat Kidney Cancer. These methods have certain effects in slowing the disease progression and extending life expectancy. However, these treatment methods only can remove the existed cancer tissues or restrain the cancer cells growth temporarily, but can not eliminate the cause of the disease at all.

Traditional Chinese Medicine And Kidney Cancer

Surgery is commonly adopted by people with Kidney Cancer. If the tumor is still small, they can take timely surgery to remove the tumor. However, the returning rate of the disease is quite high. That is because the tumor is removed, but the cancer cells still remain in body. If the cancer cells have metastasis or proliferation, it will cause the relapse of Kidney Cancer.

Traditional Chinese medicine is a new option for patients. It can be a good assistant therapy for conventional therapies like surgery and chemotherapy.

1. Traditional Chinese medicine can enhance the patients' immunity and induce the cancer cells apoptosis. This can prevent the relapse of the disease and the metastasis of cancer cells.

2. It can improve the success rate of surgery and reduce incidence of complications of surgery. If the patients are in remission after a period of chemotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine can consolidate curative effect and prevent the returning of the disease.

3. The conventional therapies can cause great invasive on body. Traditional Chinese medicines are herbs from the nature and they are totally free of adverse effects on body.

Both western therapies and traditional Chinese medicines have pros and cons. If these are combined well, it will certainly bring a remarkable curative effect to people with Kidney Cancer.

Immunotherapy for Kidney Cancer

Conventionally, Kidney Cancer is treated with the combination of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. These therapies can slow down the disease progression and prolong the patients' life span. However, surgery only can resect the existed large tumor, but is no useless for tumor cells.
 Chemotherapy and radiation not only can damage the tumor cells, but also can impair the healthy cells in body. That is why the patients develop

so many complaints. Also, with the proliferation of tumor cells, it is not enough to kill the cells by chemotherapy or radiation along.

Immunotherapy is a new therapy to treat Kidney Cancer. The concept of immunotherapy is based on the body's natural defense system, which protects us against a variety of diseases. It can treat disease by initiating or suppressing a immune response.

In treating Kidney Cancer, immunotherapy can harness and enhance the patients' immune system and regain its ability in defending against malignant kidney tumors.

Moreover, immunotherapy can stop the production of tumor cells by regulating immune system. Therefore, it can treat Kidney Cancer completely.

Early Surgery Treatment and Kidney Cancer Relapse

Can kidney cancer recur after early surgery treatment?

Surgery methods in treating Kidney Cancer are as follows:

Radical nephrectomy

It is the most common type of surgery for Kidney Cancer, in which the affected kidney and some surrounding tissues are removed. The patients has possibility of living a normal life with only one kidney. However, not all patients can endure the potential trauma of the surgery.

Partial nephrectomy

In this surgery, only the tumor and the part of the kidney surrounding it are removed. It is less invasive than radical nephrectomy, but it only possible if the tumor is smaller than 4cm.

Laparoscopic surgery

In some cases, laparoscopic surgery is performed to remove some, or all of the affected kidney. In this surgery, only small openings are made instead of on large cut in the above surgeries. As there is only a small wound in body, the patients can recover quickly.

The above are the surgeries in early stage of Kidney Cancer. However, the reoccurence of the disease is very high after surgery.

Kidney Cancer keeps persistent development for the differentiation and growth of cancer cells. If cancer cells break away from the original tumor and travel in the bloodstream or the lymphatic symptom, secondary tumor( metastases) will occur.

To control Kidney Cancer effectively, the therapy should not only remove the existed cancer cells, but also should can prevent the spreading and regrowth of new cancer cells.

Hematuria--A Sign of IgA Nephropathy

Hematuria refers to the presence of red blood cells in urine. In normal case, there only a small amount of red blood cells in urine. Hematuria includes gross heamturia which can be seen by naked eyes and microscopic hematuria which is visible under a microscope.

Hematuria is a classic presentation of IgA Nephropathy which usually starts with a day or two of non-specific upper respiratory tract infection. The gross hematuria resolves after a few days, though microscopic hematuria may persist. These episodes occur on an irregular basis every few months and in most patients eventually subsides (although it can take many years. Then why is there blood in urine for people with IgA Nephropathy?

IgA Nephropathy is an immune-mediated disorder, in which the immuoglobulin A deposits in the mesangium. To remove these foreign materials, the body mounts an inflammation, thus impairing the mesangium in glomeruli. Thus, the red blood cells pass through the mesangium and finally end up in urine.

Apart from red blood cells in urine, the patients with IgA Nephropathy also experience the following symptoms.

Protein in urine

In a small portion of patients with IgA Nephropathy(20~30%), they have microscopic hematuria and proteinuria(less than 2 grams/day).

Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is related to a poor prognosis of IgA Nephropathy. In this disorder, more than 3.5 grams of protein loss in urine in 24 hours.

Renal Failure

It is either as a complication of frank hematuria or due to rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. However, if early intervention treatment is adopted, the patients will avert developing Renal Failure.

Apart from IgA Nephropathy, there are also many causes of hematuria. So when you notice red blood cells in your urine, you need not feel panic. You should go to see a doctor to figure out its specific causes.

Hematuria, Proteinuria, Kidney Disease

Hematuria and proteinuria is commonly detected in Kidney Disease. When there exists these abnormal changes in your urine, you may feel quite panic. Please calm down, not all hematuria or protein in urine is related to Kidney Disease.

Causes of hematuria

◆Urinary disease
Glomerular Kidney Disease
Renal interstitial disease
Urinary tract infection
Urinary calculi
Others such as tumor, Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)
◆Systemic disease
Blood disease
Immune and autoimmune disease
Cardiovascular disease
◆ Diseases in adjacent organs to urinary tract like acute appendicitis and pelvic infection
◆ Chemical medicines such as heparin.
◆ Functional hematuria is caused by substantial exercise. It will recover if the stress factors are removed.

Causes of protein in urine

Protein in urine can be attributed to diseases or physiological activity.
Physiological proteinuria refers to transient proteinuria. It is mainly attributable to the following factors:
★ Some people may have increased protein in urine after intense and substantial exercise. Usually, it does not need treatment. After a period of rest, the protein in urine will disappear.
★ Orthostatic albuminuria occurs in some persons after standing or walking for a long time. Generally, it does not related to diseases.
Pathological proteinuria includes the following four types.
★ Glomerular proteinuria
It results from various kinds of primary and secondary glomerular kidney disease. The disease can cause damage to the renal barrier function, thus leading to protein leakage in urine.
★ Renal tubular proteinuria
If the absorption ability of renal tubule is impaired or the renal tubule secrete more proteins, it will cause protein in urine.
★ Overflow proteinuria
Extra proteins are produced sot hey are filtered out into urine.
★ Abnormal change in renal hemodynamics
Increased renal blood flow can affect the glomerular filtration function, thus resulting in transient protein in urine.

Kidney Diseases That Cause Hematuria in Children

In normal case, urine does not contain red blood cells because the filters in the kidney prevent blood from entering the urine. In Kidney Diseases, if the filtering system in kidneys or other parts of the urinary tracts are involved, hematuria will occur. The Kidney Diseases which may cause hematuria in children mainly include:

Inherited Kidney Diseases

Several different inherited Kidney Diseases can cause hematuria mainly include Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD), Alport Syndrome, Inherited Nephritis. Up to now, no therapy cure the genetic Kidney Disease, but a proper treatment can slow down its progression and halts the diseases from developing into Renal Failure.


In Glomerulonephritis, the filters in kidneys are damaged and fail to maintain the red blood cells in in body. Thus, the red blood cells pass through the filtering system and end up in urine. Along with hematuria, the patients also experience proteinuria, swelling, high blood pressure, etc. Glomerulonephritis includes primary and secondary Glomerulonephritis. Primary Glomerulonephritis refers that the disease occurs without clear causes. Common Secondary Glomerulonephritis includes Diabetic Kidney Disease, Amyloidosis Nephritis etc.

The above are the common Kidney Diseases which can cause hematuria in children. Besides Kidney Disease, hematuria also occurs in the following conditions such as intense exercise, urinary tract infection, trauma. However, if these factors are removed, the blood in urine will disappear very soon.

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